Often you don't want to show your errors to user while the application is live in CodeIgniter. Even, turning off error reporting is often mentioned as a standard security precaution when switching to a production environment.
In this case, There is a very easy way to hide those errors. In the root directory of CodeIgniter install, there is an index.php file.At line no 31 where the environment mentioned like this way define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development'); , Change this like define('ENVIRONMENT', 'production');
Now, no user can see the errors of the application.
In this case, There is a very easy way to hide those errors. In the root directory of CodeIgniter install, there is an index.php file.At line no 31 where the environment mentioned like this way define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development'); , Change this like define('ENVIRONMENT', 'production');
Now, no user can see the errors of the application.